ASCO 2024: Potential New Paradigms in CML Treatment

Jorge E. Cortes, MD


May 23, 2024

Jorge E. Cortes, MD, previews several notable studies in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) to be presented at ASCO 2024. The OPTIC trial will unveil its 4-year results, focusing on the effectiveness and safety of ponatinib in patients with chronic-phase CML who have received prior therapies or carry the T315I mutation. Findings on asciminib will also be spotlighted, with studies exploring its efficacy and potential cardiovascular complications.

Research regarding pediatric CML will receive attention, as well as a new formulation of dasatinib, which is being examined for its compatibility with proton pump inhibitors. Finally, initial findings from the ASC4FIRST trials will be presented, comparing asciminib against other approved tyrosine kinase inhibitors as frontline therapy for CML.


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