Infographic: Doctors' Pay and If They Think It's Enough

Jon McKenna


April 18, 2024

Compensation rose about 3% in 2023 for US physicians, to a total of around $363,000. Six in 10 doctors in a Medscape survey said that much money isn't enough for the demands and stresses on their profession. Yet when asked only about their own income, they more often said it was adequate.

This infographic provides several insights into how much US doctors earn and what they think of how their profession is valued from a money standpoint. To learn more, check out the Medscape Physician Compensation Report 2024: Bigger Checks, Yet Doctors Still See an Underpaid Profession report.

Medscape Physician Compensation Report 2024: Bigger Checks, Yet Doctors Still See an Underpaid Profession


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