From Medscape HIV/AIDS

Coverage from the

International AIDS Conference 2024

July 22 - 26, 2024; Munich, Germany

July 22 - 26, 2024 Munich, Germany

Conference News

Medscape HIV/AIDS©  WebMD, LLC

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Popular News From IAS 2023

  • Stopping HIV and STIs in a New Era of Care Stopping HIV and STIs in a New Era of Care Is it time to add the antibiotic doxycycline post exposure for more STIs? Doxy-PEP use is a clinical controversy that will be debated at the upcoming International AIDS Society Conference.
  • Why Some of the Most Capable Nations Won't Hit UNAIDS Targets Why Some of the Most Capable Nations Won't Hit UNAIDS Targets Globally, significant progress has been made, with 86% of people knowing their HIV status. However, new infections persist at a rate that has not dropped as fast as possible.
  • Daily Statin Cuts Cardiovascular Risk in HIV Daily Statin Cuts Cardiovascular Risk in HIV Final data from the REPRIEVE trial show pitavastatin therapy is associated with a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular events than placebo as evidence grows for statins in primary prevention.

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