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Coverage from the

European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) 2024

May 26 - 29, 2024; Lyon, France

May 26 - 29, 2024 Lyon, France

Conference News

Popular News from EAS 2023

  • Half of Deaths From Homozygous FH Occur Before Age 32 Years Half of Deaths From Homozygous FH Occur Before Age 32 Years The median age of death from homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia is just 32 years, with many patients having had poor lipid control, shows registry data described by one expert as "terrifying."
  • High Lp(a) Tied to Higher Coronary Plaque, Progression High Lp(a) Tied to Higher Coronary Plaque, Progression Both coronary plaque burden and the rate of plaque progression are increased in patients with high Lp(a) levels, potentially explaining the link with higher CV risk, new findings suggest.
  • Steep LDL Cholesterol Reductions With ANGPTL3 siRNA in HoFH Steep LDL Cholesterol Reductions With ANGPTL3 siRNA in HoFH A single injection every 3 months of a novel drug that targets the lipid metabolism enzyme ANGPTL3 resulted in substantial reductions in LDL cholesterol in patients with HoFH in the phase 2 GATEWAY trial.


Credit: Ed Francissen/Dreamstime

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