Highlights and Insights From CMSC 2024

Annalisa Morgan, MD


June 05, 2024

Annalisa Morgan, MD, provides an update from CMSC 2024, centering on key themes and presentations. Dr Darin T. Okuda's lecture challenged traditional approaches to multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment, proposing innovative methods such as representing lesions as music. “The Era of Too Many Choices" panel underscored the shift toward early high-efficacy therapy in MS management, supported by data showing improved outcomes. Questions remain regarding individualized treatment, extended dosing intervals, and de-escalation strategies.

Discussions on treatment of NMOSD and MOGAD emphasized early intervention to reduce residual deficits, with plasmapheresis showing promise in MOGAD cases. The meeting promises further insights into MS management, with ongoing discussions on acute and maintenance therapies.


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