Childhood Atopic Dermatitis Linked to IBD Risk

Gargi Mukherjee


Atopic dermatitis (AD) in early childhood is associated with an increased risk for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) later in life, but atopic manifestations are generally not associated with IBD.


  • Studies examining the link between atopy and IBD have yielded inconsistent results. Many of these studies included adults, introducing recall bias, or relied on physician diagnoses that might have overlooked mild cases.
  • Researchers analyzed prospectively collected data on 83,311 children from two cohort studies, ABIS (1997-1999) and MoBa (1999-2008), who were followed up from birth until 2021 or a diagnosis of IBD.
  • Information on parents was collected prospectively via questionnaires on any atopy their children might have developed by the age of 3 years. Atopy included conditions such as AD, asthma, food allergy, or allergic rhinitis.


  • A total of 301 participants were diagnosed with IBD over 1,174,756 person-years of follow-up. By the age of 3 years, 31,671 children (38%) were reported to have any atopic manifestation.
  • Children with AD at the age of 3 years demonstrated a significantly higher risk for IBD (pooled adjusted hazard ratio [aHR], 1.46), Crohn's disease (pooled aHR, 1.53), and ulcerative colitis (pooled aHR, 1.78).
  • Any atopic manifestation by the age of 3 years was not associated with a subsequent risk for IBD, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis, nor were analyses focused on early-life food-related allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis.


According to the authors, these findings suggested potential shared underlying causes between AD and IBD, which could help identify individuals at risk, and "a deeper understanding could significantly benefit the development of novel treatment approaches capable of effectively addressing both conditions, consequently enhancing patient outcomes."


This study, led by Tereza Lerchova, MD, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, was published online on March 21, 2024, in The Journal of Pediatrics.


The findings of this study were mostly related to childhood-onset IBD instead of IBD in adult life. Lower participation in the MoBa study could limit generalizability to a broader population. In addition, there might have been lower participation from families without atopic manifestations.


The study was funded by the Swedish Society for Medical Research, Swedish Research Council, and ALF and supported by grants from the Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, Swedish Research Council, Medical Research Council of Southeast Sweden, JDRF Wallenberg Foundation, Linkoping University, and Joanna Cocozza Foundation. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.


