Antibiotic Resistance Journals
- Clinicomicrobiological Profile of Podiatric Infections
- Early Empiric Antibiotics in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
- Drug-Resistant Shigella flexneri 2a, California, USA, 2022
- Diagnostic Stewardship: What Impacts Antibiotics Use?
- Survey of Antibiotic Dosing and Monitoring in Adult ICUs
- Antibiotic Resistance in Dermatology: Combating Resistance
- Antibiotic Resistance in Dermatology: Mechanisms of Resistance
- Infection Reduction With Vancomycin-Treated ACL Grafts
- Social Contact Patterns for Respiratory Aerosol Transmission
- Fatal Fungicide-Associated Triazole-Resistant A fumigatus
- Temporal Trends in Deep SSIs After Six Orthopedic Procedures
- Antimicrobial Therapy of CAP During Stewardship Efforts
- Novel Agents for Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Infections
- Pediatric Streptococcus-Associated Brain Abscesses and Empyemas
- Fluorescence Imaging to Detect Elevated Bacterial Loads
- Early Steroids and VAP in COVID-19-Related ARDS
- Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Antiresorptive Agents
- Digital PCR for Diagnosing Bloodstream Infections in the ICU
- Emerging Paradigms in Prevention of Surgical Site Infection
- Characterization of C difficile Infections Among Adults