Inflammatory Bowel Disease Perspective

  • Vitamin D: Who Benefits From Supplements Now?   Dr JoAnn Manson highlights the subgroups of the population that may still need a vitamin D supplement, even if screening isn't recommended.
  • DDW 2024 7 Studies Likely to Reshape GI Care in the Years Ahead   Dr David Johnson highlights the new studies from this year's Digestive Disease Week likely to impact your practice going forward, from wearable tech for IBD to novel insights into the gut-brain axis.
  • DDW 2024 In Treating IBD, Consider Diet and Dentistry   Dr David Johnson highlights five compelling studies from this year's Digestive Disease Week exploring the role of oral health, diet, and intestinal ultrasound in the management of patients with IBD.
  • DDW 2024 Read clinically focused news coverage of key developments from DDW 2024
  • Managing Thyroid Adverse Events From Checkpoint Inhibitors   Drs Kaniksha Desai and Afreen Shariff discuss the thyroid immune-related adverse effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
  • Diagnosing Psoriatic Arthritis for the Dermatologist   Drs Alice Gottlieb and Joseph Merola present a masterclass for dermatologists in how to recognize psoriatic arthritis in their patients, thereby enabling prompt intervention.
  • FMT-Based Therapies for GI Disease: What to Consider   Dr Benjamin Levy highlights key considerations that need to be answered for FMT-based research to make good on its considerable promise.
  • Here, There, and Everywhere: Forever Chemicals and Leggings Forever chemicals are everywhere these days, including in the daily go-to wardrobe item for most women: leggings. What's the best way to limit exposure?
  • ECCO 2024 Read clinically focused news coverage of key developments from ECCO 2024.
  • The 10 Best GI Studies From 2023 That You Need to Know Dr David Johnson highlights the articles from this year that are most likely to have immediate game-changing implications in your practice.
  • Axial Spondyloarthritis Highlights From ACR 2023   Key data on axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) from ACR 2023 include efficacy of intravenous secukinumab, effect of long-term NSAID use, and referral recommendations for patients with suspected axSpA.
  • Can't-Miss Highlights From ACG 2023: Part 2   Dr David Johnson wraps up his overview on this year's conference with the latest on multitarget stool tests, RSV vaccines in IBD, and other novel findings.
  • Can't-Miss Highlights From ACG 2023: Part 1   Dr David Johnson comments on new data around eosinophilic esophagitis, behavioral therapies for IBS, and two new drugs on the fast track for approval.
  • The Steep Costs of Disrupting Gut-Barrier Harmony A conversation between Dr Akash Goel and integrative gastroenterologist Dr Elena Ivanina on new data linking inadequate gut health with various diseases.
  • GI Symptoms During Menopause Deserve Attention   Dr David Johnson shares the latest data regarding the gastrointestinal symptoms and microbiome changes seen with menopause.
  • ACG 2023 Read clinically focused news coverage of key developments from ACG 2023
  • UEG 2023 Read clinically focused news coverage of key developments from UEG 2023
  • Take a Closer Look at Sleep's Role in GERD   When it comes to treating reflux symptoms, it's time for us all to open our eyes to the value of closing them, says Dr David Johnson.
  • Episode 6: How Do You Treat IBS With Overlapping Disorders?   In clinic, treating patients for IBS is only one piece of the puzzle. Overlapping disorders are common in IBS. Drs Lin Chang and Magnus Simrén discuss the nuances of this condition.
  • Episode 6: J-Pouch Care: Disorders and Complications   Pouch expert Dr Laura Raffals joins Dr Sunanda Kane to deep-dive into patient care after J-pouch surgery. Topics include pouchitis, Crohn's of the pouch, pelvic floor dysfunction, and pregnancy.