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COVID-19 has challenged and changed healthcare in numerous ways. One tool that medical professionals in various specialties will continue to embrace is telemedicine. Stay informed with Medscape news and resources to make the most of virtual visits.
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AlertCompounded Semaglutide Overdoses Tied to Hospitalizations
Medscape Hospitalist Compensation Report 2024
Why Millions Are Trying FDA-Authorized Alternatives
Pawscription Pads: Docs and Their Dogs 2024
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Reimbursement & Coding
Medscape Hospitalist Compensation Report 2024
Why Millions Are Trying FDA-Authorized Alternatives
Medscape Psychiatrist Wealth & Debt Report 2024
Medscape Cardiologist Wealth & Debt Report 2024
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Medscape Oncologist Wealth & Debt Report 2024
Are Expectations for Digital Biomarkers Realistic?
Medscape Ob/Gyn Practice Issues Report 2024
Rural Programs That Pay Off Your Medical School Debt
Expert Commentary
John Whyte, MD, MPH Chief Medical Officer, WebMD
"Communication is important, whether we're talking about the communication of risk around coronavirus or whether we're talking about how healthcare is changing and the role of telemedicine and the role of virtual care."
Stephen Krieger, MD Neurologist, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
"We've developed techniques to try to accomplish many of the things that we need to do in the neurologic exam over video, which is a challenge..."
Drew Ramsey, MD Psychiatrist, Columbia University
"After essentially being forced by circumstance to see more patients in this way, I think a lot of us noticed that we had to find ways to not only get used to it, but to also get good at it."
Peter Yellowlees, MBBS, MD Psychiatrist, UC Davis Health
"[Medicare waivers] have dramatically changed the entire scene for someone like myself, as a clinician, to allow me to see my patients in a much easier way."
Richard S. Isaacson, MD Neurologist, Weill Cornell Medicine
"I guess what I'm realizing is that telemedicine can reach so many more people. We've had a waiting list for so long and it's been great to begin going down that list."
Jay H. Shore, MD, MPH Psychiatrist, University of Colorado
"It means you hold a relationship with your patients through multiple different mediums: email, portal, telephone, in-person. It's not just about in-person vs video."
Dinah Miller, MD Psychiatrist, Johns Hopkins University
"I used to find myself aggravated when patients forgot their appointments, a not-infrequent occurrence. 'No shows' are now extremely rare; if a patient forgets, I call and they sign on to their screen and have their session. People no longer get caught in traffic, they come on time, and they don't complain about my crowded parking lot."
Global Perspective from the UK edition
Abortion at Home Option to Become Permanent in England
Only 1 in 10 Patients Booking Online 'Wants to See GP Face-to-Face'
Government Move to End At-Home Abortion Service Overturned by Peers
Global Telehealth Guidelines Urgently Needed
Delays and Decisions Drive Damage, Distress, and Distrust
Have Phone and Video Conferencing Worked? Survey Shows Mixed Results
Unplanned Pregnancies Nearly Doubled During First Lockdown
Javid Snubs RCGP Conference After 'Support' Package Announcement
COVID-19: 'Good News at Last'
The Remote GP Consultation: No Turning Back?
COVID-19: Positive Takeaways From 2020
How 2020 Changed Diabetes and Primary Care
Global Perspective from the Spanish edition
¿Cuál es el estado actual de la legislación en torno a la salud digital en Latinoamérica?
Inteligencia artificial para mejorar la precisión en el diagnóstico de cardiopatías congénitas
Nuevas tecnologías para ayudar a médicos y pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular
¿Funcionan los cuidados paliativos tempranos a través de telesalud en el cáncer avanzado?
Nuevas tecnologías para el tratamiento de enfermedades gastrointestinales
Aprendizaje automático para ofrecer mejor calidad en la atención de la salud
Esta tecnología cambiará sus consultas antes de lo que cree
Santiago de Matos Lima, médico y creador de videojuegos
La teleneurología ante la sospecha de ictus acelera el tratamiento
¿Es la inteligencia artificial la respuesta al abordaje en la obesidad?
En las dermatitis el diagnóstico adecuado es crucial para un tratamiento eficaz
7 días en 7 noticias, 1 cifra y 1 frase: lo imperdible del 19 al 25 de enero de 2024
Global Perspective from the German edition
Neue Studien zu Magenkrebs, Darmkrebs und zur Telemedizin
Deutscher Ärztetag in Bremen: Datensolidarität oder Datensouveränität?
Ärztetag in Bremen: Die wichtigsten Forderungen und Beschlüsse
Was Lauterbach in diesem Jahr noch vorhat
TK und GKV zu Apps auf Rezept: Nicht alles Gold, was glänzt
Transformation durch Bildung: So gelingt der digitale Wandel
Der Flop mit der Corona-App und scharfe Kritik am Datenschutz
Kommt bald der Facharzt für digitale Medizin?
Kurativer Fokus ade? Wie sich die Arztrolle in Zukunft wandeln könnte
gematik: Praxen müssen TI-Konnektoren tauschen
Apps zur Adipositas-Therapie – wie wissenschaftlich einschätzen?
Nachholbedarf bei der Digitalisierung: Einheitliche Daten fehlen
Global Perspective from the French edition
Le jumeau numérique sera incontournable
Cancer : les soins palliatifs précoces par télésurveillance sont-ils efficaces ?
Arrêts de travail prescrits en téléconsultation : une durée désormais limitée dans certains cas
Influenceurs, célébrités... : "Si les symptômes persistent, consultez un médecin"
Rythmologie : une revue de presse axée sur l’IA
10 conseils pour optimiser votre arrière-plan durant une téléconsultation
Comment le numérique transforme en douceur le système de santé
Comment faire une prescription électronique ?
Quiz : l’IA et le radiologue
IA : une nouvelle loi discutée au Parlement européen
Cabines de téléconsultation en gare : « La SNCF détourne les médecins » considère le Cnom
Des cabines de téléconsultation dans les gares : quand la santé déraille
Global Perspective from the Portuguese edition
Seu smartphone será o seu próximo consultório médico?
Depois de décadas de discussão, telessaúde será lei ─ e atualizará o SUS
Tecnologias digitais podem ampliar o acesso global ao cuidado médico
Telemedicina: adaptação da propedêutica a um novo contexto
Simpósio de Abertura do SOCESP 2022: 'Entusiasmo, expectativa e preocupação'
Teleconsulta da enfermagem: o que mudou desde a regulamentação em 2020?
CFM regulamenta a telemedicina no Brasil: o que isso significa na prática?
Telemedicina: pontos da resolução atualizada que merecem destaque
Novidade em Portugal: agora dá para ‘pedir um médico’ pela Uber Eats
Apple pretende enviar mais dados de pacientes para os médicos. Mas qual é o benefício clínico?
Do outro lado da tela: a relação médico-paciente no ambiente virtual
Telemedicina: uma releitura das visitas domiciliares